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Doppelhaushälfte am Alpenbach

Semi-detached house

+++ This project is sold out. +++


Platzhalter-Bild Bauprojekte

Project details


Mintard - August-Thyssen-Straße, 45481 Mülheim an der Ruhr

Residential type

Semi-detached house, House


On request

Number of rooms

4 - 6 rooms


On request

Ready to occupy

On request

Residential units




Property ID: 4463

Project views: 4,516

Legal notice: The information provided about this property is an editorial content contribution from neubau kompass AG. It is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer in the legal sense. The editorial content offered here is published and controlled by neubau kompass AG according to §2 TMG. Information about commission payment obligations can be obtained from the provider. All information, in particular regarding prices, floor area, features, outfitting and readiness to occupy, is subject to change without notice. Errors excepted.


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