Hofmann Haus
Wohnen am Quartiersplatz
4 new build condominiums
Am Quartiersplatz, 74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Price€433,000 - €505,000
Living space80.53 - 92.77 m2
Rooms3 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyEnd 2025
Hofmann Haus
STADTGRÜN Bahnhofsareal
10 new build condominiums and 1 commercial unit
Gleisharfe 10, 74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Price€280,500 - €537,000
Living space42.82 - 109.61 m2
Rooms2 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyBeginning 2026
Hofmann Haus
Villen am Fuchsienweg
4 new build detached houses
Fuchsienweg, 74653 Künzelsau
Price€771,700 - €778,000
Living space192.06 m2
Rooms5 rooms
Ready to occupyon request
Hofmann Haus
Vista Sol No. 3
Neubau von 20 Eigentumswohnungen
Am Sonnenrain, 74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Price€275,300 - €889,000
Living space54.43 - 141.78 m2
Rooms2 - 5 rooms
Ready to occupyMiddle 2027
Hofmann Haus
31 new build condominiums
Bucher Straße, 74541 Vellberg
Price€230,600 - €439,000
Living space49.8 - 99.78 m2
Rooms2 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyEnd 2027
Hofmann Haus
25 new build condominiums
Karl-Friedrich-Binder-Straße, 74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Price€405,000 - €912,000
Living space81.26 - 160.17 m2
Rooms3 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyimmediately
Hofmann Haus
La Vita Haselhöhe
46 new build condominiums
Haselallee / Wacholderweg, 74653 Künzelsau
Price€399,600 - €589,000
Living space88.98 - 141.41 m2
Rooms3 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyimmediately
Hofmann Haus
Quartier Langäcker No. 2
15 new build condominiums
Starenweg, 74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Living space62.02 m2
Rooms2 rooms
Ready to occupyon request
Hofmann Haus
Villa am Auenwald
1 new build villa
Hanna-Nagel-Straße 6, 76437 Rastatt
PriceOn request
Living space182.2 m2
Rooms5 rooms
Ready to occupyimmediately
Imprint of the provider
Hofmann Haus GmbH & Co. KG I
Crailsheimer Str. 85
74523 Schwäbsich Hall
Tel.: +49 791 202 148 - 0
Email: [email protected]
Geschäftsführer: Dietmar Hofmann
USt-Id.Nr.: DE278626805
Registergericht: Stuttgart HRA 725642
Berufskammer: IHK Heilbronn
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