New build real estate in Graz
Buy an apartment or house
22 projects with residential units
Sieben Dörfer Immobilien Graz
39 new build condominiums
Thalstraße 87-89, 8051 Graz
Pricefrom €190,000
Living space44 - 96 m2
Rooms2 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyimmediately
Wohninvest GmbH
Eibiswald 22
11 renovated investment apartments
Eibiswald 22, 8552 Eibiswald
Pricefrom €65,000
Living space30 - 80 m2
Rooms2 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyon request
Beuchler Immobilien GmbH
Hengsberg 44 und 45
16 new build condominiums
Hengsberg 44 + 45, 8411 Hengsberg
PriceOn request
Living space74 - 107 m2
Rooms3 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyimmediately
EPADO Immobilien GmbH
Seiersberg ONE
New build condominiums
Premstätterstraße, 8054 Seiersberg-Pirka
Price€428,600 - €631,300
Living space76.58 - 104.92 m2
Rooms3 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyimmediately
ESS REAL Estate GmbH
Baugrundstück in Wildon
1 plot of land for sale
Im Erlengrund, 8410 Wildon
Property size1,224 m2
Ready to occupyon request
GW Premium Projekte GmbH
Einfamilienhäuser am Sonnenweg im Frauental
New build detached houses
Sonnenweg, 8523 Frauental an der Laßnitz
Price€447,000 - €580,000
Living space126 - 139 m2
Rooms5 rooms
Ready to occupyimmediately
ESS REAL Estate GmbH
Zuhause mit Herz
13 new build condominiums
Markt St. Marein 183 A-B, 8323 Sankt Marein bei Graz
Price€183,070 - €285,000
Living space53.11 - 76.98 m2
Rooms3 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyimmediately
ESS REAL Estate GmbH
Eigentumswohnungen St. Georgen an der Stiefing
50 new build condominiums
Stiefing 204, 8413 Sankt Georgen an der Stiefing
Price€193,344 - €368,280
Living space50 - 92 m2
Rooms3 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyon request
Sieben Dörfer Immobilien Graz
Wohnpark Primelweg
26 new build condominiums
Primelweg 1, 8054 Graz
Pricefrom €170,000
Living space35 - 67 m2
Rooms2 - 3 rooms
Ready to occupyimmediately
SEED Projektentwicklung GmbH
Sattlerstraße 17
Neubau von 4 Gartenlofts und 2 Atriumwohnungen
Sattlerstraße 17, 8077 Gössendorf
PriceOn request
Living space85.45 - 118.86 m2
Rooms4 - 5 rooms
Ready to occupyBeginning 2026
Wohninvest GmbH
Schmölzergasse 9
10 renovated condominiums
Schmölzergasse 9, 8020 Graz
Price€297,288 - €478,964
Living space58 - 80 m2
Rooms2 - 3 rooms
Ready to occupyBeginning 2028
Genea Projektvermarktungs GmbH
Neubau von Eigentumswohnungen
Kasernstraße 24, 8010 Graz
PriceOn request
Living space34 - 88 m2
Rooms1 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyon request
K2B Holding GmbH
Neubau von 4 Eigentumswohnungen
Tomscheweg, 8301 Laßnitzhöhe
PriceOn request
Living space106 m2
Rooms4 rooms
Ready to occupyon request
Motus Immobilien
St. Lorenz Living Apartments
Neubau von 12 Eigentumswohnungen
Niederschöcklstraße, 8044 Weinitzen
PriceOn request
Living space43 - 96 m2
Rooms2 - 3 rooms
Ready to occupyimmediately
Immoks Immobilien
Neubau von 2 Doppelhäusern zum Globalverkauf
Rittscheingreitweg, 8280 Fürstenfeld
PriceOn request
Living spaceOn request
Ready to occupyimmediately
Motus Immobilien
Elysee Hohenrain Apartments
Neubau von 6 Eigentumswohnungen
Hohenrainstraße, 8042 Graz
PriceOn request
Living space60 - 111 m2
Rooms2 - 3 rooms
Ready to occupyimmediately
APROM Real Estate Group GmbH
Wohnen am Koinegghügel
Neubau von 24 Eigentumswohnungen
8542 Sankt Peter im Sulmtal
PriceOn request
Living space43 - 75 m2
Rooms2 - 3 rooms
Ready to occupyimmediately
Riegler & Partner Holding GmbH
Lend-Living 3
Neubau von 13 Eigentumswohnungen
Neue Bienengasse 3, 8020 Graz
PriceOn request
Living space24 - 70 m2
Rooms1 - 2 rooms
Ready to occupyon request
K2B Holding GmbH
Autal 54c
Neubau von 2 Doppelhaushälften
Autal 54c, 8075 Laßnitzhöhe
PriceOn request
Living space98 - 104 m2
Rooms4 rooms
Ready to occupyon request
Genea Projektvermarktungs GmbH
Neubau von 138 Eigentumswohnungen
Am Steinfeld 8, 8020 Graz
PriceOn request
Living space47 - 102 m2
Rooms1.5 - 5 rooms
Ready to occupyon request
1 - 20 from 22